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The most awesome alternative karaoke events that are coming to London this autumn

By Amanda Gegg

We all know that London has many delightfully wacky strings to add to its eclectic bow, but one of our favourite things is the way it continually surprises you. So often it seems, you can find yourself completely dumbfounded by the weird and wonderful events that have been happening here right under your very nose. If you are a karaoke fan, this comment is very much aimed at you and it’s time to listen up because London is giving the rest of the world a major run for its money this autumn. Whether you’re a singer or an appreciator, we come with news of some completely unmissable events heading your way very soon…

1.Bearpit Karaoke (Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, Saturday 13th September)

Bearpit Karaoke
Image Credit: @bearpitkaraoke @hatchiban

This unique event – originally started by one guy and a boom box – is already a pride of Berlin and after a successful visit in July, Bearpit Karaoke is back to throw people in for the singing high of their lives. And FYI, novices needn’t be scared by the hundreds of people who show up for it because the worse you are, the more it seems to work in your favour.

2. 90s Massaoke (Underbelly Festival Southbank, Friday 20th September)

90s Massaoke
Image Credit: @masseoke

The Massaoke band have rather cleverly turned the concept of karaoke on its head by making the entire crowd the stars of the show. In other words, this is basically a massive sing-along and with a 90s themed party on the horizon, we can expect some very loud renditions of Backstreet Boys and Britney to name a few.

3. Gospeloke (The Prince of Wales Brixton, Thursday 3rd October)

Image Credit: @gospelokeofficial

Oh yes, your chance to sing along to the accompaniment of a 15-person gospel choir is finally here. I think we can all safely agree that this will be one of those experiences you remember for a lifetime and you’d better get in there quickly because this event sells out way in advance.

4. KaraUke (Second Thursday of Every Month @ The Raven, Third Thursday of Every Month @ Tamesis Dock)

Image Credit: @karauke_band

If you like more of a country twang to your backing tracks then you could always head down to Tamesis Dock or The Raven, where a rather impressive band of ukulelists* want you to hop up on stage and be their vocalist for the night.

*I’ve checked and, yes, this is a real word.

5. Hip Hop Karaoke (Queen of Hoxton, Every Thursday)

Hip Hop Karaoke
Image Credit: @hiphopkaraoke

You’d be hard pressed to find a more enjoyable atmosphere than Hip Hop Karaoke; or a more supportive crowd for that matter. This event is all about the fun and fully encourages everyone and anyone to get on stage and rap their heart out.

6. Rockaoke Nights (Varying Fridays @ Tooting Tram & Social, The Star of Kings (Kings Cross) and Radicals and Victuallers (Islington)

Image Credit: @rockaoke

For those of you who’ve ever dreamt of fronting your own rock band (in front of a screaming crowd no less); this event is a gift from the gods. The Rockaoke crew definitely build up some huge crowds so you’d be forgiven for finding it a daunting prospect, but could you really forgive yourself for passing up the opportunity?

7. Speed Dueting @ Lucky Voice (Soho, Holborn, Islington)

Speed Dueting at Lucky Voice
Image Credit: @luckyvoicekaraoke

What better way is there to tell if you have chemistry with someone than belting out a timeless classic together? This is a win-win in our opinion because you’ll soon find out if this person is relationship material and if they’re not then at least you’ll have a great story to tell your mates.

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